Ostke veebist Insomnia Smoke'ist, et saada laia valikut suitsulõhna kontrollimise lahendusi, sealhulgas lõhnaeemaldusküünlaid, pihusid, geele ja kaasaskantavaid suitsufiltreid.

Meie valik on loodud spetsiaalselt soovimatute suitsulõhnade kõrvaldamiseks, jättes teie ruumi värskeks ja puhtaks. Ükskõik, kas olete suitsetaja või soovite lihtsalt säilitada meeldivat keskkonda, meie lõhnaeemaldajad pakuvad tõhusat ja usaldusväärset jõudlust.

Kasutades kaasaegseid lõhnade kõrvaldamise viise, suudame oma funktsioonirikastes toodetes eemaldada suitsu ja muude soovimatute lõhnade hulgiallikatest ning need vabaneda. Nende toodete puhul on mõned looduslikud ja ohutud elemendid, mis muudavad need kõigile kasutamiseks sobivaks. Alates aeglaselt põlevatest küünaldest kuni kiirete pihustite ja lõhna varjavate želeedeni, mis on mõeldud kasutamiseks igas ruumis, et jätta see värskeks kriuksuma. Meie kaasaskantavad suitsufiltrid vähendavad hästi ka ebameeldivat suitsulõhna isegi siis, kui kasutaja suitsetab, mistõttu on need ideaalsed kasutamiseks autos, kodus, kontoris või mujal.

Need tooted on ohutud, tõhusad ja sobivad ideaalselt igasse ruumi, mis nõuab pidevat lõhnakontrolli. Insomnia Smoke pakub parimaid suitsulõhna kontrollimise vahendeid, kuna pöörame tähelepanu detailidele ja kulude minimeerimisele, nii et ärge oodake midagi vähemat suurepärastelt suitsulõhna kontrollimiseks, mis maksavad teile terve varanduse.

Sirvige meie kollektsiooni juba täna, et leida oma vajadustele sobiv lõhnakontrollilahendus ja nautida värskemat õhku igas ruumis. Alates kiirpihustitest kuni kauakestvate küünalde ja kaasaskantavate filtriteni – meil on kõik, mida vajate, et teie keskkond lõhnaks kõige paremini.

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Questions and Answers

What are the best products for removing smoke odor?

In Insomnia Smoke, we have a wide range of smoke odour control odour-neutralizing products including candles, sprays, gels and portable smoke filters. Some of the known brands include Beamer, Ozium and Smoke Odor Exterminator who make unique products aimed at cut back and eliminate smoke odors effectively.

How do smoke odor removing candles work?

Smoke odor eliminating candles work pretty much like the usual scented candles in that they give off a pleasant smell but, in this case, there are natural enzymes free within the candles which actively work to neutralize and detoxify particulate matter which causes foul odor. These candles don’t simply hide the smells; they eradicate them and leave a clean, pleasant smell.

Are odor removing sprays effective for large spaces?

Yes, odor removing sprays are highly effective for large spaces. These sprays quickly disperse throughout the room, neutralizing smoke and other unpleasant smells on contact. For larger areas, you may need to reapply depending on the intensity of the odor.

Can I use portable smoke filters to control smoke odor in my car?

Yes! Portable smoke filters can be used in cars to control smoke odour. They are small in size and they are very good in capturing the smoke particles before they settle and cause a stale smell in the air.

Are the odor control products safe to use around pets and children?

Most of the odor control products distributed at Insomnia Smoke such as our candles and fadres contain natural ingredients and are also pet friendly. Though labeling might not be the case, it’s a rule of thumb one has to know whether it is alright to use the product around children or pets.

What is the difference between odor masking and odor eliminating?

Odor masking products temporarily cover up smells with fragrances, while odor eliminators neutralize the odors at the source. Our products are designed to eliminate smoke odors completely, ensuring a fresher, longer-lasting clean scent.

How often should I use odor eliminating sprays?

It largely depends on how big the area is and the level of the smoke smell. A single spray might be adequate for light smoke odors and may last for up to several hours. If the smell is more intense then reapplication may be needed as required.

Do odor control gels work better than candles or sprays?

Compared to sprays, gels provide a more long term solution while sprays address the need for immediate effect. Jones renders that while using gels, sachets or other sticks in combination will only work if the expected response is not immediate, because the gelling substances only release a few concentrated active elements aimed at neutralizing the odor at regular time intervals.

Can I use these odor control products for other types of smells, not just smoke?

Yes! Our odor control products are versatile and can be used to eliminate a wide range of unpleasant odors, such as pet smells, cooking odors, or mildew, in addition to smoke.

Are your odor control products environmentally friendly?

Many of our odor control products are made with natural ingredients and are environmentally friendly. We offer eco-conscious options like soy-based candles and sprays made from non-toxic ingredients, safe for both you and the environment.



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